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About Us: Universal Management

Our Story

WPPS Universal Management is a property investment partnership founded by property managers Ben Dick and Matt Powell. The company acquires, renovates, and rents properties across the United States. All experience they gained from managing their own investment properties became the foundation for managing other people’s properties in Oregon.

The name “Universal” reflects their vision of providing comprehensive services to property owners, including researching, acquiring, renovating, and managing their real estate investments. With their years of experience and investment fortitude, Ben and Matt are well-equipped to manage their clients’ investment portfolios.

Where I’ve Worked

Expertise in Navigating the Real Estate Market

As seasoned investors, Ben and Matt have worked in many areas across the country, experiencing different market conditions. Their expertise in navigating the ever-changing real estate market sets them apart from other property managers in Portland, Oregon. They understand the challenges and opportunities that come with real estate investing, and they bring this knowledge to their client’s investments.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical in property management. Ben and Matt have developed a system to ensure their clients are always informed about their properties’ performance. This system includes regular updates on rent collection, property maintenance, and tenant communication.

Highly Skilled Team

Universal Management has a highly skilled team of professionals who handle all aspects of property management, including tenant screening, lease negotiation, rent collection, and property maintenance. The team is trained to handle any issues that may arise with tenants, and they have a proven track record of resolving issues quickly and efficiently. This ensures that the properties are kept in good condition, generating revenue for their clients.

Accurate Financial Management

Ben and Matt understand the importance of maintaining accurate financial records and providing their clients with detailed reports on their properties’ financial performance. They provide regular reports on rent collection, expenses, and any other financial matters related to the properties they manage. This ensures their clients have a clear understanding of their investments’ financial performance, allowing them to make informed decisions about their portfolios.

Meet The Team

Senior Property Manager

Matt Powell

Matt was born and raised in Oregon and has been involved in real estate and property management for 7 years. Matt is part owner of Universal Management. Matt is our expert on property management laws and has in-depth experience managing tenants and property maintenance. His hard work ethic and stress-free mentality are integral to our tenants and maintenance staff relationships which are essential to Universals success. Matt is a people person, an expert property manager, and is excellent at solving difficult problems.

Office Manager

Ben Dick

Ben was born and raised in Oregon and has been involved in real estate and property management for over 15 years. Ben is the other part owner of Universal Management. Ben is our expert in office management and handles all the administrative tasks dealing with property marketing, owner financials, and communications as well as driving Universal as a company forward. Ben has years of experience managing an office environment with high transaction counts and tight deadlines. Ben is the guy behind the scenes ensuring everything is working smoothly.

Sales Manager

Sarah Davidson

Sarah was born and raised in Portland, OR, and has extensive experience in sales and account management. Sarah has worked for large companies bringing in millions in new revenue while managing hundreds of customer accounts. She has excellent customer service skills and brings a lot of energy to the team. She is currently working on getting her Real Estate Brokers License in both Oregon and Washington.


Elizabeth Togonon